be [our] friend Darleen

be [...] my friend


The BE [...] MY FRIEND crowd Invest only applies to persons resident in Austria and is subject to Austrian law.

How does the BE [OUR] FRIEND DARLEHEN from BE [...] MY FRIEND work?

We invite you: Walk this path with us. Invest in a sustainable company from Salzburg, its projects and products - by granting a loan to BE [...] MY FRIEND. The remuneration - 7% interest annually - is in the form of merchandise vouchers: the best opportunity to simply get BE [...] MY FRIEND products! Or you can choose the 5% interest option - as a transfer to your account.

BE [...] MY FRIEND pays a bonus in the form of vouchers amounting to 3% of the loan amount in addition to the selected interest rate. If the loan does not exist for the entire financial year, the bonus is calculated pro rata temporis.

Whichever option you choose:
We would be delighted if you would join us - and we can go a little way together!

Why and why, since when and how exactly.

This year we celebrated the 9th BIRTHDAY of BE [...] MY FRIEND and we couldn't be happier to have chosen this path back then. We go about our work every day with PASSION AND ELAN and enjoy great partners and customers.

Our goal was and still is to be a SUSTAINABLE, INDEPENDENT AND FAIR COMPANY that places HIGH DEMANDS ON QUALITY, REGIONALITY, DESIGN AND VALUE CREATION. From month to month and year to year, we try to optimize, improve and WORK EVEN MORE IN CONNECTION WITH NATURE AND OUR ENVIRONMENT.

THIS PATH ALSO INCLUDES GROWTH, which we are of course very happy about, but which is not easy for a young, independent company to manage. Because we want to remain true to ourselves and continue to pursue our values, remain independent and free in our thoughts, be able to act without restrictions and guidelines from outside, in order to keep working on ourselves and CREATE EVEN MORE GOOD THINGS FOR THIS WORLD AND YOUR SKIN.

BUT WE CANNOT GO THIS INDEPENDENT WAY WITH A BANK, because as a small and medium-sized company it is almost impossible to borrow money from banks for investments. The immense pressure behind bank financing and the resulting restrictions are NEITHER ECONOMICLY NOR ETHICALLY SUSTAINABLE for us.

Due to various situations in recent years, companies are often faced with challenges that seem unavoidable. Production costs are rising and the prices of raw materials have increased enormously due to the war in Ukraine, meaning that we can no longer actually maintain our sales prices, but we have also reached a limit where there is no room for price increases and we don't want them at all.


You can help us to become independent and continue to pursue our most important mission - TO PRODUCE HONEST AND TRANSPARENT PRODUCTS FOR THE WELLBEING OF OUR BODIES AND OUR EARTH.

Because we are looking for friends and partners who understand and know our company and pursue the same values and goals.

WITH YOUR SUPPORT, WE WOULD LIKE TO REALIZE OUR IDEALS - AND THUS MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ECOLOGICALLY AND SOCIALLY BETTER WORLD. We want to realize our ideal of freedom - and thus make a contribution to an ecologically and socially better world.

There are no additional liabilities or costs associated with the investment.

Further information is available at:


The most frequently asked questions about the loan

Can the amount of an existing loan agreement be increased?

An existing contract cannot be changed. However, an additional contract can be concluded, taking into account the maximum loan amount of € 50,000 per lender.

Please note: For loans exceeding EUR 5,000, the lender must declare on a separate form when concluding the loan agreement that he/she will invest a maximum of twice his/her average monthly net income (calculated over 12 months) or a maximum of ten percent of his/her financial assets.

Your IBAN/contact details have changed?

Please send us an e-mail with your new IBAN/your new contact details to Your change will be processed immediately.

Do you need a confirmation for the tax office for the interest payment?

The confirmation of the interest payment, which you receive by post at the end of July each year, is sufficient confirmation for the tax office. If you no longer have this, please contact us by e-mail:

Does the lender have to pay income tax or capital gains tax?

In principle, interest income is taxable, even if it is paid out as a voucher. However, if you are not self-employed, you can receive income of up to EUR 730 per year tax-free in addition to your salary.

If your additional income exceeds EUR 730 per year, you are obliged to submit an income tax return. As is customary in Austria, there is a complicated one-step rule: only twice the amount exceeding EUR 730 per year is fully taxable.

Example: Your profit amounts to EUR 1,200. The tax-free EUR 730 is deducted from this = EUR 470. Twice this amount is EUR 940. Your tax base is increased by this EUR 940. From additional income of EUR 1,460, the amount is fully taxable.

Is the be [...] MY FRIEND loan model covered by law?

Are there problems with the Financial Market Authority?

Our model is a so-called "qualified subordinated loan" under the Alternative Financing Act, which came into force on September 1, 2015. We have thus found a legally sound solution.

What happens after the minimum contractual term has expired?

From the third or fifth year of the contract (depending on the contract), both contracting parties may terminate the contract subject to a notice period of 3 months. If the right of termination is not exercised, the contract continues indefinitely.

What happens if BE [...] MY FRIEND becomes insolvent?

The current development is encouraging and the future opportunities are great.

Lenders receive comprehensive information from us, the latest financial statements every year and the opportunity to find out exactly how business is progressing in person at our company.

There is complete transparency. From a purely legal point of view, in the event of insolvency, the claim from the subordinated loan is settled after repayment of the non-subordinated debt capital (e.g. bank loans). This usually results in a loss of some or all of the capital for the lender.

Can I transfer the loan agreement to another person?

No, the transferability of the loan is excluded.

What happens to the lender's credit balance in the event of death?

The loan is a claim against BE [...] MY FRIEND that falls to the estate of the deceased. This means that this claim remains valid and is transferred to the legal heirs.

What influence does the Alternative Financing Act have on existing loans?

This law only changes the legal framework for loan agreements from 1.9.2015. Nothing changes for agreements concluded before this date.

What amounts can be invested under the new legal situation?

For new contracts, loans per lender are generally limited to an amount of EUR 5,000 per year. For loans exceeding EUR 5,000, the lender must declare on a separate form when concluding the loan agreement that he/she will invest a maximum of twice his/her average monthly net income (calculated over 12 months) or a maximum of ten percent of his/her financial assets.

Can I invest my money anonymously?

No. We must comply with both the provisions of the Alternative Financing Act and the provisions of the Money Laundering Act. We are therefore obliged to verify the identity of all our lenders. In addition, for amounts over EUR 15,000, we are obliged to comply with the provisions on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing. To this end, we must verify the identity of the investor and require a copy of an official photo ID in order to conclude the loan agreement.