CHAGA - "Man" Aroma Chakra oil - 50ml

CHAGA - "Man" Aroma Chakra oil - 50ml


Rosemary, lavender and clary sage create an invigorating, fresh energy, both for the body and the mind.

At the center of the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, is our deep-seated life energy, our sun. It stands for our willpower and our drive in life.

Rosemary provides the necessary focus, clary sage relieves inner turmoil and nervousness and lavender calms us down so that we can concentrate on our goals.

Use your "Man" oil before exams or in situations where your power is needed. When you need help to ignite your innermost, dormant fire.

All CHAGA oils are carefully produced by hand in Salzburg. We only use organic essential oils for fragrancing. The carrier oil is based on organic almond oil from Italy and organic grape seed oil.

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CHAGA - "Sva" Aroma Chakra oil - 50ml

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CHAGA - "Vis" Aroma Chakra oil - 50ml
